我們的經營理念 our mission



Golden iCorps’ success is based on our corporate culture: Honesty, Forward-looking, and Professionalism. Our business philosophy is to help clients build their dreams through a sustainable business model.

GOLDEN iCorps will proactively introduce the best opportunities for bringing in the most advanced technology tools and quality international investments, with the goals to share living and prosperity with clients, and to become the top brand of innovative industry  incubator in greater China.


高登愛創創辦人曹玲玲博士,1993年於紐西蘭奧克蘭大學取得管理科學及資訊系統碩士(優等學位)後,陸續獲頒紐西蘭地產學院(REINZ)、新加坡NAQ、挪威商DNV、英國IQA品保協會考試檢定合格ISO 9000主任稽核員與法商BVQI特約評審員等國際資格,隨即創辦高登企業集團,並使其成為當時全國唯一引進英、日、美、加ISO品管體系之全方位品質管理與輔導的推手,隨後更赴中國南開大學攻讀國際企管博士,深入研究並熟悉新興中國與泛亞太市場。

Dr. Tsao, founder of GOLDEN iCorps, obtained her master degree of Management Science and Information Systems (honored degree) at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, and then was awarded international certifications as lead auditor and consultant for ISO 9000 by The New Zealand Institute of Real Estate (REINZ), Singapore NAQ, Norwegian DNV, British IQA and France BVQI. Dr. Tsao founded Golden Group in 1993 and made it the first company to import comprehensive quality management system from England, Japan and the United States. Responding to China’s economic rise,Dr. Tsao pursued her doctoral degree in International Business Management at Nankai University in Tianjin, China, where she build in-depth knowledge about the emerging China and built an extensive professional network and governmental connections.


Dr. Tsao served as Chief Development Officer in Sinyi Group, responsible for enhance the business performance,management efficiency, and corporate-wide profitability.  Geographic areas included  all operations in China, Taiwan and Japan, with a total of more than 10,000 employees and 1,800 branches. She also served as Chief Operating Officer in Taiwan Institute of Economic Research. Familiar with government economic policy making and industry promotion. Dr. Tsao possesses over 24 years of executive management and consulting experience in Asia Pacific. Over 1300 firms consulted in high-tech, manufacturing, servicing, health care, construction and governmental sectors.

有感於科技與通訊的進步,國際趨勢與脈動緊密連結,世界一家的景況不再遙不可及,開啟了曹博士想進一步協助客戶拓展國際市場,體現國際接軌、基業長青的夢想與使命。未來曹博士將繼續領導高登愛創(2016 更名),不斷拓展其業務範疇,期能與客戶同步邁進,成為客戶一生事業的最佳夥伴。

Embracing the innovation of technology, inter-relationship between international tends and corporate growth, and realization of global village society, Dr. Tsao has reinvigorated Golden Group into the most cutting-edge service company, renamed as GOLDEN iCorps in 2016, Dr. Tsao is committed to build sustainable partnerships with all by bringing in the best global resources to serve her clients.

Ling Ling Tsao 曹玲玲







中華兩岸健康產業交流協會 ( ACCHII ) 理事


信義(房屋)企業集團 副總經理兼研發長

台灣經濟研究院 主任秘書(營運長)

企業發展推動中心暨區域發展研究中心 主任

經濟部產業發展諮詢委員會 主任

高登企業管理顧問、高昇環境管理顧問、高登出版社 創辦人

政治大學商學院信義不動產研究發展中心 副主任

淡江大學技術學院 助理教授

經濟部2011年中小企業白皮書編審會 委員

教育部 99及98年度科技大學 評鑑委員


經濟部工業局登錄合格環境管理(ISO 14001)專業輔導顧問師


