
Technology, Service, Innovation



Golden iCorps’ services are customer-centric, tailored to client’s need. We constantly cooperate with elite management teams around the world and we incorporated the latest skill sets to help our clients overcome their bottleneck. Our comprehensive cross-cutting services have received frequent appreciation and referrals from our clients. With extremely positive response and strong demands, we transformed into a cross-strait enterprise conducting enterprise management, environmental management and publishing business in the Greater China region.



Facing the modern trend of globalization, we was renamed as Golden iCorps in 2016 and forging international partnerships with leading experts in the U.S. and Europe to assist clients in developing global investment and R&D strategies. We will introduce the best, highest return cross-border investments opportunities. We will also develop the most advanced technology (such as AI and biotechnology) platform to help our clients build up businesses competitiveness and effectiveness.


公司大事紀 Events


October 1993- 高登企管累積國外輔導廠商多年之經驗,積極拓展國內市場,立即被視為顧問業界明日的領導者。


GOLDEN Management Consultants Ltd. is expected to take the lead among the consultancy firms offering quality management services.

September 1994- 全國第一家小型服務業者-肯上科技貿易公司經高登輔導取得ISO 9002驗證。


Taiwanese first small services organization, Astron Technology Corp., achieves ISO 9002 certification through GOLDEN’s consultancy services.

September 1994- 全國第一家企管顧問公司接受中華民國營建管理協會邀請,主講營建業ISO 9000實務研討會。


GOLDEN is booming as the construction management experts since it was uniquely invited by Taiwan Construction Technology Research Center to give lectures regarding ISO 9000 practices in the construction industry.

January 1995- 全國第一家營造業者-太平洋建設,經高登企管七個月之輔導取得ISO 9002驗證。


GOLDEN assisted Pacific Construction Co. Ltd. obtain ISO 9002 registration. Taiwanese first ISO 9002 certified construction company hence is born.

September 1995- 全國第一家通過英國UKAS ISO 9002驗證之企管顧問公司。


GOLDEN is Taiwanese first UKAS ISO 9002 certified quality expert.

October 1995- 全國第一家專業環境管理顧問-高昇環管正式成立。


GOLD SUN, Taiwanese first environmental management consultants Ltd., is established.

November 1995- 全國第一家政府機構-榮工處,委請高登企管輔導建立ISO 9002國際品保標準。


GOLDEN offers ISO 9002 consulting services to Marble Plant Ret-Ser Engineering Agency, which is Taiwanese first government organization adopting the ISO 9002 standard.

December 1995- 高雄分公司正式成立。


Kaoshiung branch is established.

January 1996- 全國第一個環境管理顧問公司與工程顧問(高昇環管與亞新工程顧問)之策略聯盟聯合企業體正式成立。


GOLD SUN, an environmental management consultants Ltd., has a Taiwanese first joint venture agreement made with Moh And Associates, Inc. This J.V. provides clients with professional advices on environmental management consultancy.

February 1996- 高登與客戶一起壯大,輔訓廠商成績可觀,大部業務來自客戶之推薦。


GOLDEN has an outstanding track record in assisting companies successfully improve the quality system. As a result, GOLDEN has been attracting an increasing number of potential clients from clients referrals.

March 1996- 天津、廣州辦事處正式成立。


Branches in China Tianjin and Guangzhou are respectively established.

April 1996- 高登企管再獲殊榮,經高昇環管輔導取得英國UKAS ISO 14001驗證。


GOLDEN obtains UKAS ISO 14001 registration with the assistance of GOLDEN SUN’s consultants.

May 1996- 昆盈電子委請高昇環管輔導 ISO 14001,積極取得驗證,使企業更具競爭力。


Kye Systems Corp.’s keenness to obtain the ISO 14001 certification is deemed as a means of achieving a competitive edge.

May 1996- 全國第一家經高登企管輔導,零缺點通過ISO 9002驗證之廠商-榮工處海事工程隊之頒證典禮。


Awarding ceremony of River Sea Engineering Construction Division Ret-Ser Engineering Agency, it is Taiwanese first zero non-complience ISO 9002 certified organization.

June 1996- 全國第一家貿易公司-翰新實業委請高昇環管輔導建立ISO 14001國際環境管理系統並落實執行。


GOLDEN SUN helps Handseltex Enterprise Co. Ltd. adopt the  ISO 14001 standard. This hence brings Handseltex Enterprise Co. Ltd. take the lead among Taiwanese trading firms.

July 1996- 全國第一家汽車代理銷售-泛德及永業進口公司,委請高登企管輔導ISO 9002。


GOLDEN assists one of the Taiwanese largest car dealers, Universal Motor Traders Ltd., implement ISO 9002 system.

July 1996- 台中分公司正式成立。


Taichung branch is established.

July 1996- 全國第一家涵蓋全省105家加盟及直營店之房屋仲介業者-太平洋房屋,經高登企管輔導正式通過ISO 9002驗證。


Taiwanese first real estate agent with 105 chain stores, Pacific Rehouse Co. Ltd., achieves ISO 9002 certification through GOLDEN’s consultancy services.

August 1996- 高昇環管輔導台灣松下建立ISO 14001系統。


GOLD SUN offers Matsushita Electric (Taiwan) Co. Ltd. in-house seminars and consultancy services on achieving ISO 14001 certification.

January 1997- 華熊營造、中鹿營造的輔導,高登締造日系營造廠輔導佳績,表現出營造品質優異的輔導實力。


Through Taiwan Kumagai construction company and Choun Lu  construction company consultancy services, GOLDEN founded Japanese construction company consultancy record that present GOLDEN’s excellent strength of construction quality consultancy services.

July 1997- 獲經濟部工業局登錄首位民間輔導ISO 14000之專業輔導企管公司。


R.O.C. Economic Department approved that GOLDEN is the first private professional ISO 14000 certification consultancy service company.

August 1997- 成立品質實踐學院,加強實務管理系統之落實。


Established the school of quality practice to strengthen the implementation of pragmatic management system.

August 1997- 輔導共德營造為高登企業締造跨世紀紀錄,由陳駐美代表錫蕃、歐主委晉德、曾處長元一、馬董事長鎮方、林立委志嘉、袁理事長希光等共同見證。由社會名流共同驗證輔導能力,證明高登集團足以輔導企業邁向跨世紀競爭。


GOLDEN created the cross century record by Best construction Co., Ltd. construction company consultancy services that is witnessed by Mr. Stephen S.F. Chen, Representative of R.O.C. in U.S., Dr. Ou Chin-Der, Chairman of Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan, Dr. Yuan-Yi Tsun, Chairman of Ret-Sen Engineering Agency, Chen-Fang Ma, Chairman of Core Pacific Securities, Mr. Chu-Cha, Lin and Chairman Hs-Guan Yuan. The social celebrities witness to certify GOLDEN’s consultancy abilities that could assist company to face cross century competition.

September 1997- 獲台灣省政府認可輔導全面品質管理(TQM)專業輔導企管公司。


Taiwan Province Government approved that GOLDEN is the professional TQM consultancy service company.

September 1997- 全國第一家保全公司-中興保全經高登輔導取得ISO 9002驗證。


Taiwanese first security company, Taiwan Secom Security Co., Ltd. achieves ISO 9002 certification through GOLDEN’s consultancy services.

October 1997- 南港輪胎經高登企管輔導取得全國第一家橡膠輪胎公司ISO 14001證書。


Taiwanese first rubber tire manufacturer, Nan Kang Rubber Tire Corp. Ltd., achieves ISO 14001 certification through GOLDEN’s consultancy services.

December 1997- 國內ISO 9000、ISO 14000企管輔導公司,首度發展持續運轉、持續改善之常年顧問服務,並獲業界好評。


GOLDEN is a both ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 consultancy service company that developed continuously progress and improve year round consultancy service and earned favorable comments.

December 1997- 國內營建業全事業發展服務,涵蓋建設公司、營造廠、建築師、工程顧問、大樓管理、仲介公司、建材公司、水電工程業ISO 9000輔導服務。


Taiwan architecture and construction industry whole business development services that included architecture company, construction company, architect office, construction consultants company, and construction material company, and water & electric engineering company ISO 9000 consultancy services.

May 1998- 引進五項修練、企業改造課程、TQM國際性課程,在國內新創企業內管理變革之實務指導及演練,為全國開創品質管理新境界。


Recommended The Fifth Discipline, BPR and TQM programs, GOLDEN developed the practice and direction of management revolution that is a brand new field of quality management in Taiwan.

May 1998- 接受交通部台灣區國道新建工程局委託輔導ISO 9001暨TQM國際性課程,並提供實務指導及演練,為全國開創品質管理新境界。
August 1998- 全球首度創設「總體營造品質管理」之品質觀念,意涵品質需整體思考,為管理未來及總體營造帶動新觀念。並提倡「品質實踐」為核心價值觀,提倡業界共同成長之終身學習理念。


Established the total quality management concept that quality needs a whole consideration and brought the new concept of future management and overall construction, GOLDEN present “Quality Practice” to be the core value concept and advocated together progress of the whole life learning ideals.

January 1999- 全國唯一取得歐洲英國品保協會會員資格之企管顧問,為全國顧問公司推動全員品保之先鋒。


GOLDEN is the only consultancy company that obtained the membership of Quality Assurance Association in UK, Europe, and being the pioneer to promote total quality control.

April 1999- 與友聯產物保險公司(力霸集團)締約結盟,迎向策略聯盟新紀元。


Joint venture with Union Insurance Company and cooperate with each other in the coming future.

December 2016- 2016公司更名為「高登愛創有限公司」。


Golden was renamed as Golden iCorps in 2016.

February 2017-


July 2019-



Joint venture with GSEC (Gordon Steven England Chen LLC.,GSEC) and work together for the Cyber Security industry.

